Our unconventional life under the same roof.

Posts tagged ‘neon trees’

Music Monday


I didn’t realize that I knew so many songs by Neon Trees until I listened to their album “Habits”. It’s slowly becoming one of my favorite albums.


You know how sometimes someone tells you to listen to an artist because they think you’d really love them, but you never actually get around to listening to said artist? This happened to me. Jess has listened to Joshua Radin for quite some time, but I only recently discovered his brilliance. His album “We Were Here” is incredible.


Melodic gang vocals, head bobbin’ guitars, and foot stompin’ choruses are just a few reasons that The Lumineers debut album has quickly become one of my top played albums.


This is one of those albums that take you to another land. A new place of adventure and imagination. A place to create a story. I’ve been hooked since I first heard it. But you have to listen to it in it’s entirety.

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