Our unconventional life under the same roof.

Posts tagged ‘Kimbra’

Music Monday

Lately, I’ve been repeating The Decemberists’ album The King Is Dead like my Jr. High girlfriend did “Angel” by Shaggy. So now that the latter is stuck in your head, you can listen to former.

From the first blast of a harmonica supported by a great southern stomp in “Don’t Carry It All”, to the soft Dylon-esque “January Hymn”, and Ending with the musical letter “Dear Avery”, the entire album takes you down a back-country-road adventure. If you like good ole’ southern music, with a little rock, a little folk, and a dash of country, then this is your ticket. Especially like a good harmonica. I’m a sucker for them.

My Favorite Songs: Don’t Carry It All, Down By The Water, June Hymn.

Last week was overcast and rainy, which calls for a certain type of music that is chill and relaxing. The Low Anthem won this week, especially “Charlie Darwin”.

Most commonly known as “The girl from the Gotye song”, Kimbra’s “Settle Down” EP has been added to my regular rotation.

This album was on my heavy rotation this week because sometimes you just need some music that’s upbeat and “fun.” This was one of those weeks.

What have you been listening to?

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